Rise of Hitler and the Nazis

"The use of threats and violence was the main reason why Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933?"

How far do you agree?

How did the Nazis increase their share of the vote?

Did the Munich Putsch help Hitler?

The Depression:

The Deal to make Hitler chancellor:



  1. This is quite useful and has a lot of facts upon it.


  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux8bNLD4QWw

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwb2pC_KSmM

  5. This is quite useful and has a lot of facts upon it.


  6. Disagree

    During Hitler's campaign in France during the First World War, he was noticed for his immense bravery which would later lead to him being awarded the Iron Cross. He believed that he should influence the people of Germany to copy his role model and that he could be a suitable leader that would change the economy of Germany due to its increase of loyalty and devotion. Instead of the people being intimidated by Hitler, they could see him as a leader that they could certainly follow without hesitation because of the fact that he was a strong figure.

  7. Disagree:
    The reason why is disagree with this because when he was using violence, he got no were and lost votes. Only when Hitler stopped using violence and threats he started to gather votes once again. Something that really helped Hitler gain power was the Stock Market Crash. When the Stock Market Crash happened in America in 1929, it servilely effected Germany due to the fact that they were been given money to them by America. Because Germany were being loaned money by American bankers, to help pay off their debts from the treaty of Versailles, they had to stop loaning them money and for Germany to pay them back. So they could now pay of all their debts to help them prevent from going into even more debt than they already are. This aided Hitler as he took control over Germany when its money started to hyper inflate. As he started to get Germany back on track, the people of Germany started to get behind him and gradually he got more votes in the election. The more he took control, the more votes he got.

  8. Personally I don’t agree that threats and violence where the main reason that Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933. I believe that it is partially the reason because otherwise Hitler wouldn’t have wrote Mein Kampf and wanted to take chancellorship diplomatically and he wouldn’t of gotten votes from his speeches in the courtroom and in jail

  9. While the use of violence was a vital element towards Hitler’s success, it is very unlikely that this was the main reason for his chancellorship in 1933. This is because not only did he have the support of several respected German citizens, (including Franz Von Papen, who was at the time Germany’s new chancellor) but also the natural ability to deliver improvised speeches. Hitler frequently used this gift to unite Germany’s people against groups who he referred to as common enemies, e.g. communists and Jews. -Lewis Shipley (-;
